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Fair Housing 101 Workshop in partnership with the City of Des Plaines

الخميس، 29 يونيو


Des Plaines City Hall Room 101

Learn about Fair Housing and why it matters to you whether you are a homeowner, renter, landlord, or someone who wants to create a fair housing community for everyone in Des Plaines.

Fair Housing 101 Workshop in partnership with the City of Des Plaines
Fair Housing 101 Workshop in partnership with the City of Des Plaines

الوقت والموقع

29 يونيو 2023، 6:00 م – 7:30 م

Des Plaines City Hall Room 101, 1420 Miner St, Des Plaines, IL 60016, USA

نبذة عن الحدث

Join us to learn about fair housing rights and responsibilities that homeowners, renters, and housing providers need to know. This training covers the broad protections in the federal Fair Housing Act, gives an overview of local protections in Illinois as well as in Cook County, and helps community members understand how to recognize violations and take action. Some of the topics include reasonable accommodations for tenants, source of income protections, and the rights of people with prior justice involvement when they are applying for housing.

شارِك هذا الحدث

كولاب إيفانستون

1880 شارع أوك

جناح 301

إيفانستون ، إلينوي 60201

الهاتف: 847.501.5760

الفاكس: 847.905.0523.2020

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