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Walk/Roll the Redline

السبت، 27 أبريل



Explore the history of redlining and the future of affordable, fair housing at this community event to raise funds, awareness, and activation for housing justice on the North Shore.

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Walk/Roll the Redline
Walk/Roll the Redline

الوقت والموقع

27 أبريل 2024، 2:00 م – 4:30 م

Evanston, 1901 Simpson St, Evanston, IL 60201, USA

نبذة عن الحدث

On Saturday, April 27th, 2024, from 2:00-4:30 pm, our community will gather in Twiggs Park, Evanston then walk a route through Evanston's 5th ward to raise funds, awareness, and activation for housing justice in our communities.

Background on redlining and info on the event:

Redlining was a historical practice where officials drew maps in red around neighborhoods of color and denied housing investment there. This discriminatory practice caused segregation and disinvestment in Evanston’s 5th ward that still impacts us today, decades after redlining was made illegal with the passage of the Fair Housing Act in 1968.

At our April Fair Housing Month community event, participants will walk, roll, or stroll along an educational route through Evanston's 5th ward to learn the impact discriminatory housing policies had on our community and how they continue to show up in harmful new ways. Educational displays along the route will also celebrate Black Evanstonians'…

شارِك هذا الحدث

كولاب إيفانستون

1880 شارع أوك

جناح 301

إيفانستون ، إلينوي 60201

الهاتف: 847.501.5760

الفاكس: 847.905.0523.2020

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