Walczymy o uczciwe warunki mieszkaniowe.
Wierzymy, że to, gdzie mieszkasz, ma znaczenie, a to, gdzie mieszkasz, decyduje o tym, jak żyjesz. Wszystkie społeczności — zwłaszcza społeczności bogate w zasoby i możliwości — muszą być dostępne dla wszystkich ludzi.
Open Communities zachęca do uczciwych praktyk mieszkaniowych poprzez edukację, w tym usługi doradcze dotyczące wynajmujących i w zakresie egzekucji oraz edukację społeczną, aby nasze społeczności na północnych i północno-zachodnich przedmieściach Chicago były przyjazne dla wszystkich. Wszystkie nasze usługi są bezpłatne i obejmują doradztwo mieszkaniowe i edukację, dochodzenia w sprawie uczciwych warunków mieszkaniowych oraz egzekwowanie prawa.
Misją Otwartych Społeczności jest zapewnienie sprawiedliwego i integracyjnego warunków mieszkaniowych na północnych przedmieściach Chicago.
Robimy to poprzez edukację, propagowanie i organizowanie w celu wyeliminowania dyskryminacji mieszkaniowej, we wszystkich jej formach i wobec wszystkich osób, ze względu na rasę, kolor skóry, pochodzenie narodowe, religię, płeć, tożsamość płciową, płeć, orientację seksualną, niepełnosprawność, status rodzinny lub źródło dochodu.
Otwarte społeczności są zakorzenione w ruchu praw obywatelskich, kiedy lokalne kobiety i przywódcy religijni zorganizowali North Shore Summer Project, aby zaprotestować przeciwko dyskryminacji mieszkaniowej. Grupa zakończyła swoją działalność wiecem w Winnetka Village Green w 1965 roku, gdzie dr Martin Luther King, Jr. przemawiał do 10 000 tłumu, był to jego pierwszy wiec praw obywatelskich na całkowicie białych przedmieściach. Po kilku latach nieformalnej współpracy, Międzywyznaniowa Rada Mieszkaniowa North Shore została formalnie zorganizowana w 1972 roku przez grupę kongregacji „w celu zapewnienia stałego narzędzia religijnego wyrażania troski o bardziej integracyjne społeczności oraz zapewnienia mieszkań osobom o umiarkowanych i umiarkowanych niskie dochody."
Przez kolejne lata Rada utworzyła North Suburban Housing Centre w 1977 r., aby świadczyć usługi wspierające, oraz The Interfaith Housing Development Corporation w 1983 r., aby rozwijać potrzebne niedrogie mieszkania w docelowych społecznościach. Po przejściu na emeryturę dyrektora-założyciela Rayny Miller w 1986 r., Rada i Centrum połączyły się, tworząc Międzywyznaniowe Centrum Mieszkaniowe Północnych Przedmieść, łącząc usługi i rzecznictwo. Development Corporation (obecnie Housing Opportunity Development Corporation) pozostała niezależna. Organizacja nadal się rozwijała i rozwijała w odpowiedzi na zmieniające się wyzwania stojące przed społecznościami, aw 2012 roku zmieniła nazwę na Open Communities.
Years ago, Herb Brenner came to Open Communities as a Fair Housing tester. He has advocated for affordable housing, created the Northbrook Working Family Coalition, and promoted the Cook County minimum wage and paid sick leave ordinances. Professionally, Herb is a CPA who specializes in taxation. He lives in Northbrook with his partner, Patti.
Board Member
Adam Klinger is a real estate professional and president of Greenwood Beach Partners, a boutique investment firm specializing in the acquisition and asset management of class A/B multifamily housing. Adam holds an MBA in Accounting and Finance from the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis and a BA in History from Lake Forest College. Adam has two adult children and lives in Evanston with his wife, Amy, and dog, Lily.
Board Member
Rose Shapiro, MSW, is the Community Development Manager at JCUA, an organization bringing together the Jewish community to pursue justice in partnership with neighbors across the state. She manages the Community Ventures Program, a zero-interest loan fund for affordable housing and economic development projects. Rose is grateful to be part of Open Communities, an organization with endless care for clients and dedication to the pursuit of fair housing.
Jessica Flores was born in Mexico City and grew up in Chicago's West Town community. She is a first-generation college graduate with more than fifteen years of leadership experience in the nonprofit social service and education sector. Currently, she is the Director of Innovation, Economic Mobility Partnerships at Feeding America., As a Board member, she looks to continue to center neighbors by supporting the mission to eradicate housing discrimination.
Emily Love has practiced exclusively in immigration and nationality law since 1993. In 1999, she opened the Law Office of Emily Love, P.C., in Evanston. Throughout her career, Emily has collaborated with various local and national nonprofit immigrant and refugee legal services agencies. She has witnessed first-hand how housing discrimination affects immigrants and joined Open Communities to help put an end to it. She lives in Highland Park with her family.
Board Member
Roger Williams is a real estate broker who is committed to racial equity, justice and mercy. Roger is also a board member of Championing Racial Equity Work in District 65 (CREW65) and previously served as president of the Organization for Positive Action and Leadership (OPAL). After entering the real estate business, Roger became aware of the historical and present injustices that have led to race-based housing and wealth disparities in our community. Roger holds an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He has lived in the Evanston/Skokie community with his wife for more than 44 years and has 2 adult daughters.
Board Member
Carol Golder is a retired marketing professional who is passionate about justice and equality. This passion led her to Open Communities, where she uses her boundless energy to work to make fair and diverse housing a reality in the north and northwestern suburbs. Carol has served on a variety of boards in the area. She resides in Glencoe with her husband, David.
Board Member
As a North Shore native and Evanston resident for 30+ years, Grace Miya values the diversity that Evanston brings to the North Shore. Grace is a licensed Realtor in the State of Illinois, with Baird and Warner as her brokerage company. She enjoys cooking, hiking, dinners with friends, and traveling in her spare time.
Nasz personel jest mały, ale potężny, ale nasze możliwości są ograniczone. Dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby wszystkie telefony i e-maile były zwracane w ciągu 2 dni roboczych.
Anayeli Aguilar graduated from Northeastern Illinois University in 2019 with a bachelor’s in Justice Studies and a minor in Criminology and Child Advocacy. She gained professional expertise while working and volunteering in nonprofit organizations. In her previous role, she served as a Case Manager working directly with the homeless population connecting them with community resources. Anayeli is passionate about helping those in need and is excited to bring that energy and passion to supporting those in her community of Evanston. Anayeli enjoys traveling and getting to know new places around the world.
Bilingual HUD-Certified Housing Counselor
Sarah Buckley graduated from Northeastern Illinois University in 2019 with a Bachelors of Social Work. She has been working in non-profits for about 4 years, and has gained significant experience in working with individuals and families experiencing housing instability. Sarah has a passion for helping and loves to uplift others to see their strength in the challenging moments of their lives. She is excited to start her journey at OC and be a part of a team that shares the same passion for our community. She loves anything and everything outdoors. Her ideal day is filled with sunshine, live music, and good friends.
HUD-Certified Housing Counselor
HECM Counselor
Cheryl Lawrence, JD, has executive-level experience in nonprofit and business sectors. She served as the Executive Director at Lawyers' Committee for Better Housing, one of Illinois' preeminent housing and legal-aid organizations. She is excited to bring her many years of leadership experience to support fair and equitable housing opportunities on the North Shore. She lives in Evanston with her wife and daughter.
Sarah B. Petersen, LCSW, is a community connector who uses linkages to create meaningful change for equity and justice. Trained as a clinical social worker, Sarah has over 20 years of experience in the nonprofit, education, mental health, and interfaith sectors. Through volunteer work advancing racial equity in Evanston’s public education and civic arenas, Sarah recognizes the central role fair and affordable housing plays in creating inclusive, just, and vibrant communities. Sarah lives in Evanston with her family and loves spending time in nature, reading, and being creative.
Development and Communications Director
Our Director of Fair Housing shifted towards the policy and administrative side of social work practice after more than a decade of therapeutic work with youth and families in the mental health sector. Inspired by The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein, he decided his passion was in the realm of housing justice, organizing and advocating for the human rights of all people to access safe and affordable housing, free from discrimination. He graduated with a Master's at the University of Chicago's Crown School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice in June 2021. He joined our team in December of that same year.
Director of Fair Housing
Our Fair Housing Investigator was born and raised in Chicago. She grew up in Public Housing which birthed her passion for criminal justice reform and fair housing/housing reform. She earned her BA in Political Science and Justice Studies at Northeastern Illinois University and her Juris Doctor from Loyola University Chicago School of Law. Her Commitment to social justice led to internships with Legal Council for Health Justice, CGLA, and Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, followed by full-time employment with Legal Aid Chicago and Westside Justice Center. She enjoys watching Beyonce concerts, reading, and watching sports during her spare time.
Fair Housing Investigator
Our Fair Housing Associate grew up in Chicago and Evanston before attending the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She studied Molecular and Cellular Biology pre-medicine, but after graduating in 2020, she began to transition to the world of public health and policy. Since then, she has worked as an AmeriCorps VISTA at a nonprofit clinic in Chicago and completed a fellowship with Cook County Government through the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy. As the Fair Housing Associate with Open Communities, she will continue her pursuit of knowledge in public health from a holistic standpoint while working to expand organizational capacity through outreach, education, and advocacy.
Fair Housing Associate
Rae Lindow graduated from the University of Florida with a bachelor's degree in Political Science and a minor in International Humanitarian Assistance. After growing up in Germany, she is passionate about expanding access to green and walkable spaces for all communities. As a VISTA member, Rae is using her experience to revamp the intake system at OC. She is excited to learn more about the nuances of housing issues and the best ways to help those in her community. In her spare time, she likes to walk around her neighborhood, read books, and make jewelry.
AmeriCorps VISTA
Sarah Price, JD, considers herself a lifelong learner. She has spent the bulk of her legal career in the non-profit sector: advocating for the rights of individuals who are homeless to meaningfully access their education, representing tenants in eviction cases, and advising individuals with disabilities about their civil rights. Her combined background in education and law fuels her passion for helping people learn about their individual rights and available community resources. She lives in Evanston with her spouse and two children and is thrilled to be working with a team devoted to ensuring fair and inclusive housing in her hometown.
Client Services Coordinator
Dalal Boudiaf's experience in advocacy work has cemented her passion for social justice. She strives to support and empower underserved populations. With her educational background in Urban Development and her strong cultural competency, she helps ensure that the efforts of OC reach community partners and the families in the North Suburbs of Chicago. In her free time, she likes to connect with her friends (the power of a good laugh) and bake (her three children are her best fans). She has lived in four different countries and speaks three languages, and would love to add Spanish to her language skills.
Finance and Administration Director
Sarah Delgado has a passion for social justice and almost 10 years of housing equity experience. She oversees intake and housing counseling staff, provides direct client support through counseling and community education, and ensures that her team has appropriate training and resources. Previously, Sarah worked in policy and advocacy for Fair Housing rights at the Chicago Area Fair Housing Alliance (CAFHA). She was also a Housing Counselor, Condominium Program Coordinator, and Interim Executive Director at Lakeside Community Development Corporation.
Director of Housing Counseling & Education
Mayra Moreno is bilingual/bicultural and uses her lived experiences and knowledge of overcoming hardship to help others. Prior to Open Communities, Mayra worked as a District 65 Parent Advocate connecting with families most in need through parenting education and support of the parent-child relationship. As a Community Navigator, Mayra provides outreach to the community in Spanish and English to help educate residents about their rights. Mayra lives in Evanston with her family, volunteers for Latinos en Evanston Northshore (LENS), as well as enjoys connecting with friends, nature walks, reading, and watching movies.
Community Navigator Coordinator
Eve Subrin Williams, JD, joins Open Communities with a desire to bring her knowledge of employment discrimination to housing. Eve uses her community outreach and Board experience to expand awareness about housing discrimination throughout the north shore and to build partnerships with new allies. Her 2022 Northwestern University certification in Leading Equity and Inclusion in Organizations offers a fresh lens on how the organization’s Strategic Planning and Equity Audit can be embedded moving forward.